Artie Pennington Law Offices

Intellectual Property Enforcement

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Our Law Firm Can Defend Your Intellectual Property Rights

Managing your intellectual property can be overwhelming, especially if you don’t have experience in the area. It is vital that you understand how to protect and enforce your intellectual property rights. At Artie Pennington Law Offices, our attorney’s background as an engineer complements his years of legal experience.

From properly registering your intellectual property to monitoring and protecting it, our firm helps clients in Kyle and Austin manage their intellectual property and protections. Our attorney will take the time to review your intellectual property and consider your goals in making his recommendations.

Your Intellectual Property Should Belong Only To You

Intellectual property includes inventions, creative works, names, designs, images and any work that is a creation of the mind. Intellectual property rights allow you to protect your work, so no one else can use it. The best way to protect your intellectual property is to register it and enforce your ownership rights. Copyrights, trademarks and patents are types of protection granting exclusive rights to your creations.

Intellectual property rights can be infringed upon when an unauthorized party copies a work or exploits or uses it without the permission or knowledge of the property owner. Depending on your protection type, there are various ways to find infringements. Sometimes, an infringement, such as a clear copy of your name or logo, will be apparent. Infringements can also happen when someone uses a part of your design without permission.

You Have Options If Your Intellectual Property Is Used Without Your Permission

If a party infringes on your copyright, you may file a lawsuit in federal court. The court can take measures to prevent more violations by issuing an injunction or restraining order. You may also pursue monetary damages. Copyright protections last for the life of the creator plus an additional 70 years for works published after 1978.

Trademarks can be misused in various ways, including infringement, false advertising and dilution. With so many business competitors, it can sometimes be challenging to find all the possible misuse of a trademark. If you discover a misuse, there are numerous ways to address the issue, including a cease-and-desist letter, a take-down notice and filing a lawsuit in federal court. Trademarks in the United States can last a lifetime and beyond, but you must renew them every 10 years.

You can bring an enforcement action to court if a patent is violated. The court can prevent the other party from continuing their actions by issuing an injunction. You can also pursue monetary damages. Patents filed today are valid for 20 years from the date you filed the application.

Advocating For Your Right To Your Intellectual Property

At Artie Pennington Law Offices, you can trust us to defend your rights to your intellectual property. We will advocate for you if someone infringes on your trademark, patent or copyright. Contact us today to schedule a consultation at our Kyle or Austin office by calling 512-596-0534 or completing an online contact form.